AFTrackAFTrack - GPS Tracking

Version 1.12.28


AFTrack is the display for your GPS and brings the world of hiking, biking, sailing, geocaching and more to your phone. The program handles tracking with smart and fixed logging features. It sends reports online or via SMS. It receives SMS position messages and shows it as way points. It exports tracks and way points, uses maps online and offline and much more.


GPS and other input

- different gps sources: internal gps, internal with NMEA, bluetooth gps direct, USB gps, online gps over Wifi/3G, NMEA file
- read NMEA, GpsD json, Signal K json, gdl90 protocol
- work as gps daemon (nmea or json, port 2947 only)
- share position (replaces standard gps provider)
- connection with AIS server (NMEA format)
- altitude correction (automatic or manual) and Kalman filter
- pressure usable for altitude (if available)
- pressure start altitude editable
- automatic correction over weather server (needs net connection)
- compute current from COG and CTW
- Mixed mode - read external NMEA but use internal position data
- log all NMEA sentences or selected


- collect track data
- show routes or tracks in up/down hill colors
- add photos to a track
- export tracks to GPX, KML, OVL, IGC format and send or upload it
- import route data - GPX, TCX or KML format
- import, export way points - GPX or KML format
- import areas from KML format
- use a kml.txt format to send exports direct via bluetooth
- design a route or an area on the map
- design a route using BRouter offline data, includes inland waterway routing
- design a route using wind information and polar data
- edit a route or an area on the map
- merge some routes
- copy way points to route
- export routes to SIGMA/VDO bike computer
- get new way point from bearing, map or position
- add predefined way point collection to map
- revers routes
- Routing in a corridor
- off road routing along the line
- BRouter: resample a route
- BRouter: combinate BRouter with direct routing
- BRouter: a special waterway, canoe internal router uses bridge heights, depth and so on for routing


- online maps - pool editable, tile or WMS based
- offline maps - OSZ format build by MobileAtlasCreator
- offline maps - SQLite formats mbtiles and sqlitedb build by MobileAtlasCreator and/or Maperitive
- offline maps - BSB3 format for marine navigation
- offline maps - NV digital for marine navigation
- offline maps - Navionics Charts
- offline maps - mapsforge vector format  - with extra xml layouts, hill shading, language support usable (V5)
- offline maps - mph/mpr format
- offline maps - GeoTiff (partly)
- use offline maps from jpg, png or bmp files
- use offline maps with calibration file map, gmi, kml, kal, cal, pwm, tfw or jpr format
- make own calibration for a bitmap
- seamless maps display when using Mapforge, OSZ or SQLite tile container
- map selector to have quick access to available offline maps
- map scan for a defined folder and sub folder
- map overlays - online pool editable
- map offline overlays - in mbtiles 'overlay' format
- OpenSeaMap downloader
- scaling charts 1x/2x/4x


- wind indicator for the map or position center
- display depth - if available
- display AIS information, also AIS groups - if available
- display AIS list in profile view - if available
- display ADS-B (air plane) information - if available
- vario display
- vario sound
- alarm on reached POIs
- set anchor alarm for the current position
- set anchor alarm for a way point that receives positions from a gps tracker
- save and restore settings
- send waypoint or anchor alarm to Android Wear


- Online position sending for live tracking
- Online receive way point positions from a GpsGate server
- convert received way point history to track
- getting way point positions from a GpsGate server


Google has changed the rules for file handling in Android 11. Applications can only hold its data inside the own storage. Or the user can load from outside. This means, not all chart formats will work on outside storage. E.g. mbtiles is a database format and can't work outside - Mapsforge will work.

There is a migration dialog for moving file from Android 10 to 11 logic. Hardware with Android 10 that will never get an update to Android 11 can ignore this.

The new AFTrack file structure

The old folder was public for all in /data/aftrack

This went to local app storage /Android/data/de.afischer.aftrack/files/data/aftrack - is not visible for other Android apps but on USB contact with e.g. Windows

To make it visible for other apps map folder is now in /Android/media/de.afischer.aftrack/Maps (this is standard but not all maps have to be stored here, e.g. Mapsforge charts)

Google has removed the SMS permissions Info
Send me a mail to go on with SMS tracking

Application structure

Main View
AFTrack - GPS tracking next
Goto Info

Big Info
Satellite Info
Data Collections
Tracks Way points Routes Area
GPS Display Map
SMS Report Online Report

The map view can contain some additional data in a dock.

Way point
Big display
GPS info

Button Information
Menu with available actions:
- start/stop track
- save a way point
- get the current address
- send a position via short message, online report or share it
- select a dock view

Center button
- position center
- map was moved
Select another center logic:
track center
route center
virtual map center on  position and way point
or on multi tracking points
way point center
way point center

gps direction
compass direction
user direction
Map direction toggle

- north

- gps direction

- compass direction

- user direction (use two fingers to turn)
Call the info views
Zoom in
Zoom out
Add a way point
Add a way point from position
add a way point collection Add a way point collection at this position
Search for address
Bearing to add a way point
Ruler to check a distance or design a route or an area
The points show a route
The points show an area
Generate a route for walking
Generate a route for biking
Generate a route for cars
Generate a route for boats
Generate a route for canoe
Exact move of route or area point
Route revers
Change route direction
Share data
Share your route / area
Confirm changes on a way point
Close dialog
full screen
Switch to full screen or back
Edit Edit way point
Switch to  Goto mode
on Wind display opens Wind definition dialog
Start bearing from here
Move way point position
Route to this point
Multi selection
Switch to Multi selection
Merge routes
Merge routes
Load file
Load file
Load folder
Load folder
Download map
Download map
Set visibility, overlays and transparency
for overlays or areas, anchor alarm
Select a map, change to track, route,
way point or area selection
Start/Stop GoTo
Stop/Start sailing computering

Condition information
GPS is valid
GPS is invalid

Screen is locked/unlocked for moving or
tapping on screen
Track is running
Route is running

Info views
Back to map view
Show large cockpit

Show satellite view
Show GoTo view

Map unlocked
moves the map

long press
add way point or search /
to full screen and return

swipe inwards from left
menu list

rotate two fingers
rotate the map (not for Navionics)
swipe left to right next dock view

long press on large cockpit entry
setup large cockpit, profile or  map center view

long press on Mini-Dock
Select display values for Mini-Dock
- Map Center Position
- Position
- Geo Information

double tap hide/enable dock view
Map locked
swipe left to right
next info view
Info view
swipe left / to right
next info view

long press
setup large cockpit
long press on list element
Menu for this element